Peanut Allergy Prevention Starts with You

In 2017, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease- sponsored expert panel released recommendations about the early introduction of peanut foods as a means to prevent peanut allergy.
You will find additional details about this below and points to consider as you plan to introduce peanut protein to your infant. Currently, it’s estimated that approximately 20 percent of peanut-allergic children will outgrow their allergy.
One of the most significant advances in food allergy occurred with the release of the results from The Learning Early about Peanut Allergy (LEAP) study in early 2015. Led by Dr. Gideon Lack of Kings College in London, LEAP showed a reduction in the development of peanut allergies of up to 86 percent by children who were exposed to peanut protein early.* Dr. Shahzad Mustafa, allergist and medical advisory board chair for FAACT, discusses the early introduction guidelines in this featured video.
Here are points to consider as you plan to introduce peanut protein to your infant:
- The American Academy of Pediatrics’ infant feeding recommendations encourage breastfeeding for one year, with complementary solid foods being introduced around 4-6 months of age.
- Young children should not be given whole peanuts or unmodified peanut butter, because of the potential to cause choking. Instead, think about thinned peanut butter, peanut puffs or powdered peanut butter as options.
- According to a study looking at the nutrition status of infants in the LEAP study, those who ate peanut foods early had growth parameters that were statistically similar to those who did not eat peanut foods early and they breastfed at the same rates; however, they ate less carbohydrates.
- It is important to remember that most children, more than 98%, will not have a peanut allergy. Consider your child’s risk based on the new guidelines and move forward with feeding your child confidently.
- As always, your child’s specific dietary needs should be discussed with a pediatrician.
Featured Video
Food Allergy Expert Discusses Early Introduction Guidelines
Dr. Shahzad Mustafa, allergist and medical advisory board chair for FAACT, discusses the early introduction guidelines in this video.
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How can families introduce peanut protein to infants: PDF Download English
Learn about introducing peanut protein to your baby.